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Cable Kooks

Fair and Balanced? Fox News Gives Republican Paul Ryan Birthday Cake
Fair and Balanced? Fox News Gives Republican Paul Ryan Birthday Cake

Fair and Balanced? Fox News Gives Republican Paul Ryan Birthday Cake

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Jon Stewart Thinks Obama Should Imitate Rick Springfield on Osama Bin Laden

Jon Stewart Thinks Obama Should Imitate Rick Springfield on Osama Bin Laden

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Chris Christie's Panties Are in a Wad Says Sarah Palin

Chris Christie's Panties Are in a Wad Says Sarah Palin

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Anderson Cooper Fails to Keep Andrew Sullivan Honest on AC360

Anderson Cooper Fails to Keep Andrew Sullivan Honest on AC360

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Chris Matthews Slams Gingrich For Calling Juan Williams By His First Name

Chris Matthews Slams Gingrich For Calling Juan Williams By His First Name

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Ice Cube? Ice T? Fox News' Bernie Goldberg Can't Tell Which is Which

Ice Cube? Ice T? Fox News' Bernie Goldberg Can't Tell Which is Which

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Fox News Anchor John Stossel Wants People to Stop Voting

Fox News Anchor John Stossel Wants People to Stop Voting

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The Romney Boys Remind Chris Matthews of a Pop Band, But Not the Obvious One

The Romney Boys Remind Chris Matthews of a Pop Band, But Not the Obvious One

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Morning Joe Scarborough Faces Off With Newt Gingrich And Wusses Out

Morning Joe Scarborough Faces Off With Newt Gingrich And Wusses Out

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The Five on Fox, Kim Kardashian, Lassie and Flipper. Seriously.

The Five on Fox, Kim Kardashian, Lassie and Flipper. Seriously.

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CNN, MSNBC and Fox on Iowa Caucus Night: Oh the Maps!

CNN, MSNBC and Fox on Iowa Caucus Night: Oh the Maps!

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Ed Schultz Wonders If Obama's Words Will Be Used Against Him. Really?

Ed Schultz Wonders If Obama's Words Will Be Used Against Him. Really?

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CNN and Fox Both Gunning for Ron Paul: Conspiracy or Reality?

CNN and Fox Both Gunning for Ron Paul: Conspiracy or Reality?

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The Two Bills, Clinton and O'Reilly Together! What Comes After is Pathetic

The Two Bills, Clinton and O'Reilly Together! What Comes After is Pathetic

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Kathy Griffin Returns But Piers Morgan Can't Handle Her (Again)

Kathy Griffin Returns But Piers Morgan Can't Handle Her (Again)

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Dick Morris Compares Republican Candidates to a Bunch of Cockroaches

Dick Morris Compares Republican Candidates to a Bunch of Cockroaches

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Ed Schultz Forgets Bill Clinton Was President

Ed Schultz Forgets Bill Clinton Was President

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Fox War on Christmas Funnier Than Jon Stewart's Parody

Fox War on Christmas Funnier Than Jon Stewart's Parody

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Morning Joe Scarborough Tells His Stupid Viewers to Turn Off Their TV Sets

Morning Joe Scarborough Tells His Stupid Viewers to Turn Off Their TV Sets

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Donald Trump Wants Obama to Call Him. Seriously.

Donald Trump Wants Obama to Call Him. Seriously.

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Uncomfortable: Trump Disses Fox Contributors On Fox and Friends

Uncomfortable: Trump Disses Fox Contributors On Fox and Friends

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Maddow Equates Bret Baier With Sean Hannity

Maddow Equates Bret Baier With Sean Hannity

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Megyn Kelly Talks Crime With a Psychic. That's news?

Megyn Kelly Talks Crime With a Psychic. That's news?

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Wolf Blitzer and Kermit Are CNN Gold

Wolf Blitzer and Kermit Are CNN Gold

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Erin Burnett Asks Why American Airlines Doesn't Have Showers in First Class

Erin Burnett Asks Why American Airlines Doesn't Have Showers in First Class

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Republican Debates Say a Lot About the TV Networks Hosting

Republican Debates Say a Lot About the TV Networks Hosting

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Pepper Spray is a Food So Megyn Kelly Says U.C. David Cops Get a Pass

Pepper Spray is a Food So Megyn Kelly Says U.C. David Cops Get a Pass

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Rick Perry Gets Some Love From Fox and Then He Doesn't

Rick Perry Gets Some Love From Fox and Then He Doesn't

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Bill O'Reilly's War on Christmas Crusade Returns!

Bill O'Reilly's War on Christmas Crusade Returns!

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Rachel Maddow Proves Jon Stewart is the Real Cable News Anchor

Rachel Maddow Proves Jon Stewart is the Real Cable News Anchor

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Sarah Palin Wants to Hang Jerry Sandusky and She'll Bring the Rope

Sarah Palin Wants to Hang Jerry Sandusky and She'll Bring the Rope

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Morning Joe Scarborough Gets His Inner Jesse Ventura On

Morning Joe Scarborough Gets His Inner Jesse Ventura On

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Lawrence O'Donnell Makes Apologies for Joe Paterno

Lawrence O'Donnell Makes Apologies for Joe Paterno

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Bill Clinton on Herman Cain: Best Guest Ever...

Bill Clinton on Herman Cain: Best Guest Ever...

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Huckabee, Fried Chicken and Sexual Harassment. Huh?

Huckabee, Fried Chicken and Sexual Harassment. Huh?

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Sean Hannity Gives Rick Perry a Pass

Sean Hannity Gives Rick Perry a Pass

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Bill O'Reilly Stays Away From Herman Cain Innuendo...For Two Seconds

Bill O'Reilly Stays Away From Herman Cain Innuendo...For Two Seconds

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Rick Perry's "Drunk" Video Bigger to Maddow Than the Cain Mess

Rick Perry's "Drunk" Video Bigger to Maddow Than the Cain Mess

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Donald Trump a Shameless, Clueless Cable News Favorite

Donald Trump a Shameless, Clueless Cable News Favorite

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War on Halloween Baffles Favorite Fox Guest Laura Ingraham

War on Halloween Baffles Favorite Fox Guest Laura Ingraham

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